If you wish to return an item and obtain a refund, for any reason, you must request to do so within 30
days of purchase and the item should be in sellable condition without any damages done to the
packaging. Items with damages can be returned, if and only if, valid evidence is provided showing that
the packaging was indeed damaged when bought off the shelf. In the case of order cancellations,
whether it be online, or via email or telephone, you may do so within 10 hours of order placement.

We pride ourselves in providing you with tea assortments imbued with exquisite flavors and offer a
taste guarantee policy. This means that if unsatisfied with the taste, you may return the item and
request for a full refund or try a new flavor without disappointment. Just make sure you keep evidence
of postage and remember your order tracking number just to avoid any confusion.

Need more help?
If you still have questions regarding delivery, get in touch with hann’s team.